Friday, January 9, 2009

Home Studio

No sketch today, but here are some photos of my home studio. I defy anyone to guess correctly the movie on the TV. Answer tomorrow.


  1. I've been on the lookout for an anatomically correct skull. Did you order yours? Or is there some skull store around town I've missed?

    No clue on the movie but I will guess it is a war movie.

  2. The skulls came from different places, one of them came from a full dis-articulated skeleton I own, but try a place of of Hawthorne called Gold Door. They are a curio and jewelry store, but have cool skull stuff. One of my favorite skulls was purchased there.

  3. It's a trick question. It's not a movie. It's a live feed direct from one of the Kremlin's sub-basements.

  4. Thankd david. I (as I am sure you do) love to see the set up of other artist's studios. And all the crazy knick-knacky stuff.

  5. Aargh. I so need to proof-read my comments. And yes, I know to capitalize your name. Sorry.

  6. Sweet set up David. Looks like a studio you'd want to spend a lot of time in (which I'm sure you do) that's comfortable and fun place to work. I'm stumped on the film. I'm suspecting a foreign film from the 40's?

  7. Thanks everyone. And the movie was "The Rock" which just happened to be on tv when I took the picture. Funny how the movie and broadcast is color, but it comes out b/w (or blue) on the still picture.
